5 environmental books to read
Every book has got their prose and cons (apologies for the book pun). But we hope that the ones we are about to share are only positive in your eyes, because they sure are in ours. They give us something to think about and motivate us even more in fulfilling our mission at CHOMP. Although some of the listed books have a more sombre tone to climate change, it is important to remember that we all can create a positive impact through small changes in our daily habits (like using CHOMP). It's all about educating ourselves and doing what we can within our capacity to make greener contributions. Every little change counts. With 2024 around the corner, it's time to turn the page onto more responsible actions.
And with the cosy weather rolling in, grab one of these books and a cup of hot cocoa. Nothing more wholesome than unwinding down with a good read and a warm cup of love - am I right?
Without further ado, here are 5 environmental books to awaken your inner eco-warrior:
“A Life on Our Planet” by Sir David Attenborough
You can almost hear Sir Attenborough speak to you as you read his book; his powerful narrator voice that defines nature documentaries and gives you goosebumps. In line with his ability to inspire, this book is his witness statement. It tells the story of how our planet has come to its tipping point and provides hope to our future in this world.
“Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson
Published in 1962, Silent Spring is one of the most instrumental and important environmental book. A pioneer in the environmental movement, Silent Spring documents the detrimental impacts of the chemical industry, specifically of pesticides. Carson played the important role of a whistleblower by exposing the industry's disinformation and the book even influenced the banning of DDT.
(60 years later, and we are still fighting the same fight - sobering, right?)
"The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History" by Elizabeth Kolbert
Are we the catalyst and to blame for for the 6th extinction? Kolbert brings us natural history and field reports across multiple disciplines to unfold the devastating reality we are facing. The Sixth Extinction questions what legacy we will leave behind and the existential dilemma of what it means to be human.
"Losing Earth” by Nathaniel Rich
Losing Earth reveals how climate denialism began and the manipulation of the fossil fuel industry through misinformation, propaganda and political influence. Rich walks us through our past failures and into our current battle to fight climate change. How do we make sense of our past, our future and us?
“No One Is Too Small To Make A Difference” by Greta Thunberg
There is no denying that Greta Thunberg has made a remarkable dent in the climate activist movement. She has inspired millions across the world to demand for more responsibility and accountability from governments and industries. Representing the future generations, Thunberg voices the urgency we must all appeal to in our fight against climate change. No One Is Too Small to Make A Difference is a rallying cry through her collection of speeches, including her historic United Nations speech.